Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Last Lock and Dam

Trip Day:
 31°17.30' N 
Locks Today:
Miles Today:
Locks Total:
Total Miles:
Ginhouse Island    MM 64

Last night the inside boat announced to us that he wanted to leave at five o’clock this morning, which meant we had to be up and ready to leave the dock to allow him out.  It was about five-thirty, when we untied from Betty L, she untied from the Grand Banks who then untied from the big yacht on the dock.  It was rather tricky since there were boats in front of us and in back of us also rafted four deep off the dock.  By the time we all pushed off and held position in the river to allow movement of boats, first light was breaking through.  We decided we might as well head down river as well since we were awake and since the Coffeeville lock was just a mile away. Other boats followed us out and eight of us locked down together.  As Ron released the line on the lock bollard and I drove out we realized this would be our last lock—number 108 since we left home last March! 
 With temps in the forties and a heavy cloud coverage we stayed bundled up most of the day.  The river snaked in all directions again today and for the third day in a row we never flew a sail. 

This section had far more industry and a couple of  upbound tugs passed us today.

We experienced a current and tidal change today since we are now less than a hundred miles from Mobile Bay.  The cold, damp weather is helping us yearn for the sunny warmth of the Florida coast. 

As we turned off the river into the Ginhouse Island cut, the skies cleared allowing the sun to peek through.  The American Tug, Allison Leigh, was already in the cut when we entered and the Betty L was right behind us.  Before the sun set there were six boats securely anchored in the lake area at the end of the cut. After dinner we were surprised to find we could get six channels on our laptop through the TV tuner.  Like most people in the nation, we tuned in the election results.  



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