Trip Day:
Locks Today:
Miles Today:
089°33.40' W
Locks Total:
Total Miles:
Peoria, IL
By nine o’clock the fog had lifted enough to begin the process of getting underway. However, when Ron started the engine he realized there was no water stream at the stern, meaning the cooling system was not working. Usually the culprit is grass clogging the hose or caught in the strainer, but a careful check revealed no clog. So-o-o-o, he began the process of checking the impeller. There were only six little screws between Ron and the engine impeller, but it took a good part of an hour to disassemble, install a new impeller and reassemble the unit. All the while, Bob and Madeline stood by in case we would need to be towed. Happily, the new impeller did the trick and we lifted the anchor by 10:15 and headed downstream.
The Illinois River was quite wide and pleasant. There were flocks of white pelicans, on the ground and in flight as well as a solo bald eagle. We witnessed the infamous Asian Carp jumping in the wake of a small boat.
We also passed several active duck blinds. One camouflaged-clad hunter carried a sack of prey over his shoulder as he return to his boat with his dog by his side. We are getting comfortable with passing and being passed by tugs pushing multiple barges.
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