Trip Day:
38°53.10 '
Locks Today:
Miles Today:
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With news that the Chain of Rocks Lock had reopened, several boats pulled out of Grafton this morning to continue down stream. We had decided to make a short day’s run to Alton which will put us in position to go through two locks and make it a long day of it after Alton. Less than a mile from the dock we could see the convergence of the Mississippi River at mile marker 0. The mile markers start over at 218 counting down to zero again at Cairo at the junction of the Ohio River. The river opened up wide with limestone bluffs with the slightest hint of color in the trees.
Ron was trying to ignore a strange sound from the engine as the RPMs decreased then surged again occasionally. However, the frequency of the drop in engine speed continued to increase and eventually the engine stopped. We were able to restart the engine, but it was clear we could no longer ignore the situation. With the offer of help, Betty L came along side and Ron tossed a towing bridle to Madeline. While Betty L towed us, Ron changed the main fuel filter. We were able to restart, test the results, and disconnect the tow line just in time to maneuver into the marina at Alton, Il. Perhaps the statue of Our Lady of the Rivers was watching over us. Later in the afternoon Ron took the time to change the other fuel filter and hopefully our problem is solved.
This marina is exceptionally nice and rather unique in that every aspect of the marina is floating. The pool is built into a huge floating dock with the changing rooms and decking surrounding it. The office and shower suits are on another floating platform. It feels a little strange to sit by the pool and feel the motion of the dock as a tug passes.
Today was Morgan’s birthday—she is officially a teenager. It seems like just yesterday that she was a little girl with big blue eyes and blond curls.
After dinner, we had a Skype call from Cash, then Maren and Addisyn joined in as they returned from the gym. Wow, seeing their faces sure made us home sick!
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