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Liberty Landing - NYC
This was a rainy day in Manhattan, so we donned our raingear and took the 8 0’clock ferry across the Hudson River to Battery Park. We have done the basic tourist package of New York, so today we stayed in lower Manhattan returning to some of our favorite sites and then pay our respects at the 9/11 Memorial.
From Trinity Church steps one looks out at Broadway & Wall Streets.
George Washington took the oath of office at the Federal Hall in 1789—we stood in his footsteps!
Our visit to the Memorial dedicated to the victims of the 9/11 attack left us with a better understanding of what it meant to be a New Yorker on that fateful day.
The two memorial pools stand in the footprint of the original towers—52,000 gallons of recycled water flows over the walls each minute. The names of the 2,983 men, women and children who perished are inscribed in bronze around the perimeters of the two pools. It is impossible to understand the scale of these fountains in these photos.
Ground Zero is a hard hat zone with multiple buildings under construction. One World Trade Center will be the tallest building in NYC when the spire is added it will reach 1,776 feet above street level.
The museum building will utilize some of the salvaged steel beams from the original twin towers. The park surrounding the memorial fountains is a stunning place to reflect and remember.

Views from the marina at Liberty Landing.
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